Ewa Dankowska

Wykorzystanie naparów roœlinnych
w ograniczaniu ¿erowania
pomrowika ma³ego (Deroceras laeve Müll.)

Z Katedry Metod Ochrony Roœlin
Akademii Rolniczej im. Augusta Cieszkowskiego w Poznaniu

Abstract. Deroceras laeve (Müll.) is stepping out in masses under protections and it can cause severe damages. Molluscicides recommended to fighting snails in greenhouse conditions are not always effective enough. Therefore different possibilities to fight them were sought too.

Key words: Deroceras laeve, plant infusions, control


The utilization the plant infusion in limiting the feeding
on Deroceras laeve (Müll.)


The vegetable infusions discussed in the work were studied in laboratory conditions executed from leaves of trees regarding their deterrent effect in relation to Deroceras laeve (Müll.) The best results obtained while applying the infusion executed from 5 g of ordinary bird cherry leaves (Padus avium Mill.) and 10 g of silver fir needles (Abies alba Mill.) in 100 cm3 boiling water.